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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Alvin Yang, Yuki Ng and Zoe Raymond - Part 3 (The End?)

Part 1 can be found here:
Part 2:
Part 2 and 1/2:

Skip to end of the Character List if you have already read the first 3 posts. :)

You may have already heard of the facebook page (personal blog) of Yuki Ng that is spreading like wildfire in facebook right now. Why is it like wildfire? It's achieving hundreds of likes every hour and just yesterday late last night when I was reading the whole story it was only 3000+ likes but in the morning when I checked it has already reached 4000+ likes.

After reading it, I had the urge to translate what Yuki wrote in Chinese for the convenience of her many readers but I decided not to. Instead, I am going to write a summary with important points so that more people will be encouraged to read it instead of just browsing and missing the whole point of the story.

First, let's introduce the key characters :

  • The Husband To Be - Alvin Yang
  • The Wife To Be - Yuki Ng
  • The Alleged Third Party - Zoe Raymond
  • Zoe's Boyfriend but Now Ex-Boyfriend - Vincent Siow
  • Alvin's Friend - Denson
  • Zoe's Friend - Jing
  • Yuki's Sister - Dobby
  • Dobby's BF - Shaun
  • Zoe's Mother
  • Alvin's Father
  • Alvin's Mother
  • Zoe's Colleague - Melvin
An Update from Zoe Raymond 18 hours ago from this post
The reason for the (The End?) is because Yuki has not officially named this Part 3 yet but she has been regularly posting updates with dates. I have only extracted out all the posts with backdated dates but not those that she wrote without. If you are interested to read more of her current views, please support Yuki at her facebook page.

 As per the last few posts, this is a summary and not the actual translation:

The Yuki after 1st May 2012: Even though Yuki already knows about the existence of the third party, Zoe but she still has to continue to put in all her efforts to treat Alvin the same if not even better because she is still trying to win back his heart. Sadly, her efforts in salvaging the relationship all turn to naught as Alvin did not reciprocate the same way. In fact, he begun to distance himself from Yuki instead.

1st - 2nd May 2012: Alvin and Zoe went to Jurong Bird Park and a receipt was left on the back seat for Yuki to discover. There were also various packs of titbits left on the car and Alvin told Yuki not to finish them after she helped herself to one.

3rd May 2012: After Alvin's parents talked to both Zoe and him, Alvin probably had a discussion with Zoe to just remain as friends. Alvin's father even warned Alvin to stop wearing the watch that he bought with Zoe.

Zoe started to use a similar style when she realize that Yuki was beginning to touch Alvin's heart with songs that expressed out her feelings.

5th May 2012: Alvin played the song that Zoe wanted him to listen on repeat the entire morning:
《好朋友只是朋友》 - 郁可唯:

6th May 2012: Yuki's friend told her that Zoe tweeted a song as a declaration of her love for Alvin to listen and Alvin also made a conscious effort to listen to the song and it's lyrics.

After reading the lyrics of the song, Yuki begun to have even more doubts about her relationship with Alvin.

13th May 2012 : After seeing the family photo that was posted on Facebook, Zoe sent Alvin an sms to listen to the song on her blog.
More Than Words

That night,  Yuki slept on the floor because Alvin suddenly told her that he's not used to having someone sleep beside him anymore.

15th May 2012: Yuki happily posted a picture of the flowers that they gave Alvin's mother and auntie on facebook.

16th May 2012: In possible retaliation, Zoe posted a picture of the sunflowers Alvin gave her with a clear shot of the card that it's From: Gingerbread Man, openly announcing to the world that since 11th April 2012, Alvin was already her Gingerbread Man. And at that point, Zoe posted this on her facebook.


31st May 2012: Alvin allowed Yuki to make arrangements for him and her family to go to KTV but Yuki's family never expected him to turn up. From 7pm - 10pm, Alvin made many excuses such as overtime, not feeling well and followed by supper at Maxwell. It was obvious to Yuki that Alvin can't even be bothered to lie anymore. When she sang the lyrics of this song, Yuki broke down. "Is everyone also as stupid as me? Actually, tolerating does not require much talent. You just have to fall in love with the wrong person..." Her family supported her by waving their hands and shedding tears while they all sang finish the song together with Yuki, showing their unwavering support for her.

From the day, Alvin didn't turned up at the KTV session, Yuki started to countdown to a month of not seeing him at all.

1st June 2012: Yuki made a decision to cut short her hair. 

2nd June 2012: After selling her car, Yuki wandered around from day to night, taking different buses, hoping that it will surprise her if it takes her to somewhere that Alvin and her have gone before. The only difference is that, this time round, she will only be there alone. 

Today, it should also have been the day that Alvin will give Yuki's family the dowry and they perform the pre-wedding Chinese traditions. Needless to say, they didn't. Alvin also told Yuki that he's not happy which gave Yuki some hope but still, she feels uneasy. 

6th June 2012:
Listening to this song , Yuki continued to persuade herself to have faith that Alvin is the same man that she fell in love with but when she received a sms saying that Alvin has already went online to check the law and the penalty to deter Yuki's family from looking up Zoe's family. She felt completely numb and instead, it's Dobby who cried at the carpark when she called Yuki to tell her as Yuki's sister couldn't believe that Alvin have really changed so much and Yuki really didn't know how to believe why her fiance have forgotten all his promises to protect her and ended up on Zoe's side. Wasn't Zoe just a friend?

After the slapping incident, her pregnant younger sister had to go see the doctor as she got too overly agitated and that very night, her sister and brother-in-law had a huge quarrel, thrashing many things in their room.  As for the elder sister, she was reminded of her own past where there was a third party and she was thrown out of her own house by the mother-in-law as the child she had was a girl but the third party's child was a boy. Yuki felt very tired, she didn't know what to do anymore. She blamed herself for not being able to protect her family but in the end, they all managed to pull through with family support from each other.

16th June 2012:
Yuki did not feel like writing this part. It was the day that their wedding should originally have taken place.

Later on Yuki posted this: Only you know what we talked about...

18th - 22nd June 2012:
Her good friend brought her to Penang for a short trip, trying to cheer her up and also for her to calmly think through and decide what to do. She ate and shopped her fill the whole trip, trying to keep herself occupied.

30th June 2012:
They formally cancelled the wedding.
Yuki also returned Alvin the engagement ring.

1st July 2012:
Yuki shared a series of songs
01072012 06.16am> 蔡健雅《空白格》
01072012 06.23am>
01072012 07.01am>
蔡健雅《 Is it over now
01072012 12.07pm>
蔡健雅 Letting Go

7th December 2012:
The day she published this facebook page (her blog)

Their happier memories:

The Pontian Girl from Malaysia Kampong Versus The Third Party.

The original version by Yuki below in Chinese. Will update with English translation if I come across any.




01-02.05.2012> 你们到Jurong Bird Park玩,可能那里少人去吧?ZR谢谢你又留下线索,把那张票根摆在车后座那么美的位置怕死我看不到,还好心留零食请我吃,那盒巧克力米味道不错,其他 的Alvin舍不得叫我别吃完,Alvin你还真不了解ZR的用心良苦。 

当03.05.2012 Alvin的父母找过你和ZR谈后,我想你是和ZR谈过做回朋友之类的话。你父亲还警告你那手表是不祥之物,不准你再配带。


05.05.2012> 一大早你在厕所一直重播着听这首歌ZR要你听的歌:
《好朋友只是朋友》 - 郁可唯:



13.05.2012> ZR看到母亲节我们拍的全家福POST上FB,她便传来简讯让你听她的Blog:
《More Than Words》

15.05.2012> 我很开心地把母亲节送给你母亲和婶婶的鲜花都Post上FB.

16.05.2012> ZR终于不甘示落的Post你送的太阳花,这次是敢敢SHOW卡片上写着的,From:Ginger Bread Man姜饼人,公告天下11.04.2012你就已经是"她的Ginger Bread Man"。这时ZR就在她的FB放这首歌:

31052012> 你让我安排了和我家人去KTV, 大家都打赌你是不会来的。7点,8点,9点,10点。。。先说加班,不舒服,后来又去MAXWELL吃夜宵。你连撒谎都懒了。
当我唱这段:是不是每一个人都像我一样笨。。。原来容忍不需要天分,只需爱错一个人。。。就控制不了哭了,我的家人就全部站立双手高举,陪我流泪陪我一起唱完这首歌,唱完还掌声鼓励!(Buay Tahan), 好像在开演唱会。
♥ your familly ♥ youself.

31052012> 从你没出现在KTV的那个晚上,我就开始倒数。。。

01062012> one way of release my pain...this is 2nd time i feel like cut hair ( last cut is 1st May- 10inchs)

02062012> 把车卖了后,我一个人从白天到天黑,漫无目地的去乘搭巴士,上车,下车,转站。。。只希望可以惊喜地看到我们曾到过的地方,做过开心的事。唯一不一样的是。。。我一个人。

但当我收到简讯,你已上网查了法律条文和罚款数额并已通知了ZR和它的家人如果Dobby & Shaun再上门,就报警告他们骚扰和擅闯民宅。

说真的,我已麻木了没什么反应了。反而是Dobby在停车场打电话痛哭着对我说她受不了了。她不能相信你变成这样,为什么会联合ZR来对付我的家人。 我又怎能相信我的未婚夫忘了他该保护的是谁呢?它不是只是你的朋友吗?

ZR打人事件发生后,怀孕的妹妹动了胎气也看了医生,结果当晚就情绪失控地无缘无故和她老公在家吵 架,激动到把她房间的东西都砸烂一地。 姐姐就一直回忆自己当年被第三者破坏婚姻导致离婚的委曲(她连第三者都没见过就和2岁的女儿被家婆赶出去, 因为第三者怀的是儿子)和交叉被打的画面而躲在一角哭泣, 小孩也被几个大人的连环反应吓到哭了。
我的心很累。。。我怪自己无力反击, 我没保护好我的家人。但我又能做什么?


16062012> 只有你知道我们说了什么。。。

18-22. 06.2012> 好友@Lee Miaw Yee@沈秫伊, 带我到槟城散心顺便让我可以冷静的想清楚我的决定。
我的决定就是。。。Shopping, 买东西,吃东西。我最爱Penang Laksa & Rojak!!!
难得疯狂,两天内买了16双新鞋子, 我也不知道在Penang我就可以花了马币RM2000(槟城的读者你们要谢谢我的经济贡献!)
注remark: 以上是不良示范。发泄是需要代价的。(不过hor, 买美美的东西让自己开心好过我拼命吃到身材走样让自己难过,对吗? 说起Shopping, 女人总是会有千百种强而有力的“道理” 支持她的购买欲,OMG! 愿主宽恕。)
* 当同在一个原点让你想不通,困扰。。。就是时候出去走走透口气(不一定要去很远), 但一定要回来面对。
*人生中不仅仅只有爱情。 亲情和友情(包括还有不知道买哪双鞋比较好的烦恼!)反而往往是在你几乎跌入谷底的时候拉你一把的人。珍惜,惜福。

30062012> 我们的婚礼正式取消。

01072012 06.16am> 蔡健雅《空白格》
01072012 06.23am> 孫燕姿《是時候》
01072012 07.01am> 蔡健雅《 Is it over now》
01072012 12.07pm> 蔡健雅 《Letting Go》
另一位我极为喜♥的新加坡歌手:我的偶像——蔡健雅! 我♥唱她的歌!
我很喜欢Tanya Chua 的歌和词,成功地结合了商业与内涵中西文化的合并。她是来自大都市的华人,作风洋派,但她终究是女人。她的感情是细腻的。歌曲风格大都有洒脱的性格却也带点感伤。能如此完整的表达和反映在她的歌曲里的哲学的。。。是真正爱过的人。

从马来西亚kampung来的that PONTIAN GAL: 第三者,你坐定了。

1 comment:

  1. 加油! 小三犯贱!男人背叛!
